The ideal sleeping area - what does it look like?

We are exposed to a lot of physical and mental stress in everyday life. In this respect, the regeneration of our body during sleep is becoming increasingly important. Our sleep should be healthy, restful and sufficiently long. In reality, we don't always achieve this ideal.

We often wake up with tension in our neck and feel less than refreshed even after several hours of sleep. You can do a lot to improve the general sleeping situation by organising your sleeping space.

Not only the bed and the mattress play a key role here, but also the pillow we have chosen. A pleasant room climate does the rest.

Support regeneration during sleep. Experts believe that the natural sleeping position is the supine position - without a pillow.

Our upright posture places new demands on the back and especially the cervical vertebrae every day.

As we often sit for long periods of time and adopt a rigid posture in front of the television or screen, the cervical vertebrae in the upper back segment are under constant tension. Even those who work very hard physically often adopt incorrect postures in this area, which place excessive demands on our anatomy, making it all the more important that we provide our vertebrae and muscles with appropriate, natural relaxation during sleep.

In practice, this is not always easy. While the cervical vertebrae in the supine position only regenerate adequately if there is flat support on the surface, we need optimum support for the head and cervical vertebrae in the lateral position.

Although many people have a preferred lying position, we regularly change our position more often during sleep. In this respect, we need to create the conditions on our bed so that we can ensure an anatomically correct posture in all lying positions, especially for our head. The mattress is responsible for the alignment of the rest of the back, while the pillow is responsible for the orthopaedically correct position of the head.

Lying correctly means sleeping correctly

The slatted frame, bed and head support together ensure correct alignment of the entire spine in our sleeping area. The cervical vertebrae are often in particular need of recovery because they already react with tension during our everyday activities due to overextension and inflexible postures.

We should therefore allow the cervical vertebrae to realign correctly during sleep. Our head support must be orientated towards the needs of both the lateral and supine position. It must also harmonise with the rest of the base, i.e. the mattress.

Good mattresses have special reinforcements in the shoulder and neck area and adapted elasticity, which allow the entire cervical spine to be aligned and straightened during sleep. In this context, it is important to realise that our body weight in combination with gravity exerts considerable forces on our muscles and vertebrae even when we sleep.

Ideal sleeping pads take these forces and tensile effects into account and use them to promote anatomically correct alignment of the spine and nourish the vertebrae during sleep.

The cervical vertebrae show posture with flexpillow

Flexpillow is a special pillow that allows both back sleepers and side sleepers an orthopaedically appropriate alignment of the cervical vertebrae. Made from visco-elastic foam material, Flexpillow has a recess in the centre for the head.
In the supine position, the head lies flat on the base. The cervical spine no longer bends on this orthopaedic pillow and is not overstretched. Instead, the sleeper receives exactly the support that the head needs when lying on their side so that the cervical spine can align itself naturally in this position.
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  • Innovation

    Patented pillow

  • SAT.1

    Known from the SAT.1 programme: How brilliant is that?

  • MDR

    Known from the MDR programme: Einfach genial

  • Award

    Int. Inventors' Fair IENA19: Silver medal for invention

  • Manufacture

    Made in


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