Tortured by neck pain? How the right pillow can help...

Waking up in the morning with neck pain is a horrible feeling.

When even a slight turn of the head leads to stabbing pain, you realise how valuable it is to be able to go through the day without pain.

Not only does it look rather strange when you have to turn your whole body to wherever you want to look. It also restricts you enormously and can become a real health problem in the long term.

In this article, you will therefore learn a simple way to eliminate (or at least alleviate) your neck pain so that you can hopefully move freely again, as you should.

Getting rid of neck pain: short or long term?

Neck pain turns the simplest movements into a problem.

They take away our desire to do things and we inevitably restrict ourselves more and more. The quality of life is severely diminished.

If this pain persists or even radiates to other parts of the body, the only quick fix is often to take painkillers.

However, this only combats the symptoms.

In the long term, this is not a solution and may even be dangerous.

Because if the pain is relieved but the trigger remains, this favours long-term wear and tear problems and degenerative changes in the cervical spine.

In the worst case scenario, surgery is required to fuse the relevant spinal segments.

But it doesn't have to come to that.

Finding the causes of neck pain

Neck pain can have various causes.

In addition to acute triggers such as draughts, strains and other injuries, muscle tension caused by poor posture plays a key role.

Slouching and constantly looking at a smartphone are becoming a serious problem for more and more people.

However, in many cases it is also the wrong sleeping position or the wrong pillow that leads to neck pain.

In the prone position, for example, the pillow not only pushes the head sideways, but also backwards. This leads to severe strain and hyperextension of the cervical spine.

However, lying on your side with a pillow that is too flat or too high also leads to lateral overstretching of the vertebrae in the neck area.

What many people do not know:

The sleeping position can not only be the cause of neck pain, it can also be the solution

By optimising your sleeping position, you can prevent, alleviate and, in the best case, permanently get rid of neck pain.

The neck consists of muscles, tendons and seven small vertebrae, among other things. These form the cervical spine, which supports our head and must protect some of the most important connections of our central nervous system.

To alleviate neck pain - or prevent it from occurring in the first place - it is therefore important to bring this muscular, visual and bony apparatus into as natural a position as possible and thus relax it.

And there is a sleeping position that makes this possible in a completely natural way:

The supine position without a pillow.

The supine position without a pillow is increasingly being recommended as the most orthopaedically favourable sleeping position.

This is also the case with the well-known pain therapist Roland Liebscher-Bracht. His video on the correct sleeping position - on your back without a pillow - has already had over 11 million views:

The reasons for this are obvious. In this position, the spine is returned to its natural position and can thus recover as well as possible overnight from the stresses and strains and incorrect posture during the day

The problem:

Hardly anyone can or wants to sleep in one position all night.

But if you want to turn from the supine to the lateral position, your head would bend downwards without a pillow and put a lot of strain on your neck again.

And this problem gave us the idea of developing a new type of pillow that provides ideal support for sleeping on your side and also allows you to sleep on your back without a pillow...

The flexpillow: An orthopaedic pillow that allows you to sleep in the orthopaedically favourable supine position and also provides you with the best possible support in the lateral position

Look at the flexpillow here.

Sleeping on your back requires a short familiarisation period of a few days to a few weeks. This is not a problem with the flexpillow, as you can turn to your usual side position at any time and enjoy all the benefits of a conventional neck support pillow.

However, you often realise after a short time how good the supine position is for your neck and will try to switch to this sleeping position more and more often.

For example, ex-professional footballer Lars Schlichting:

„I tried flexpillow and after a few days you can feel how good it is for your back. You can also literally feel the restructuring in the neck area. As with any pillow, you need a certain period of familiarisation, but this goes quite quickly. I can only recommend flexpillow.“

Or Dr Olaf Deling, who used the flexpillow to combat his posture-related back pain and headaches:

„I myself complained of headaches and back pain, usually after getting up. I felt sleep-deprived and chronically tired. Physiotherapy helped temporarily, but the pain kept coming back. It soon became clear that the cause was poor posture in my cervical spine. This was followed by several attempts with different pillows and changes of position. A good friend introduced me to flexpillow, and although I was very sceptical at first, the pain disappeared permanently.“


If you are looking for a new pillow to help you sleep healthily, you can definitely consider optimising your sleeping position and the flexpillow.


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